I can’t help but think that we are the cusp of a cultural renaissance. Art, music, books, film, and video games are finally escaping the constraints of a commodity-based economy that dominated the later half of the 20th century where the gatekeepers to creation (and holder of most of the profits) were big studios and publishers. With crowd-sourcing and patronage now possible on a large scale due to the internet, creators are being connected with their fans all over the world. That is not to say that traditional production doesn’t still exist and doesn’t still produce good stuff, for example, we are practically on the eve (May 19) of the release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt by CD Projekt. My list of projects to keep an eye on grows day by day, but let’s just go over a few stand-outs.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, GNU/Linux, Xbox One, Playstation 4
Developer: Warhorse Studios
Genre: Singleplayer RPG/Simulation/Action
Current Status: Tech Alpha 0.3 released April 2015 (downloadable for pledges)
Estimated Release: Not announced, Early Access estimated late 2015/early 2016
Economics: crowd-funded, currently backed for $2,343,515, final game will be available retail (digital version is $25 pledge at the moment)
Technology: CryEngine 3
Website: kingdomcomerpg.com

There aren’t many good, immersive historic medieval RPG’s (and fewer still with modern graphics and development concepts). This game is something I’ve been waiting for for a long time. Lately, I feel like there must be some sort of collective consciousness between gamers and developers or something, because this is exactly what I was hungering for before I even read the line on their website:

We’re mixing the freedom and mechanics of Skyrim, the setting of Mount and Blade, the storytelling styles of The Witcher and Red Dead Redemption, and the tough combat dynamics of Dark Souls into a single, gorgeous package. You could say we’d like to give ArmA (a franchise many of us worked on) an RPG makeover, streamlining the systems and controls and polishing the overarching world while keeping the unique, genuine feeling of its action and environments.

If the above quote hasn’t convinced you that this game needs to be made, then watch their trailer and weep for joy:

The fact that is grounded in real history is also a huge plus. History is often so much more interesting than the fantasies we make up (not that those aren’t fun too) and, with so much to learn about, I can never get enough of it myself.

No Man’s Sky

Platforms: PlayStation 4, hopefully Microsoft Windows, possibly others
Developer: Hello Games
Genre: Singleplayer & multiplayer space flight sim/FPS/adventure
Current Status: Not available
Estimated Release: Not announced
Technology: Unconfirmed
Economics: funding through Sony
Website: no-mans-sky.com

Elite: Dangerous is just the tip of the iceberg of the rebirth of the space flight/exploration sim. No Man’s Sky is one of many promising titles in this genre, but it certainly distinguishes itself in several ways. First, it is probably the most mysterious of all of them. Videos may be easy to find but more specific information can be a bit difficult to nail down, including the current project status, when it will be released, what exactly multiplayer will be like, and when/if there will be a PC version (which would be sad because I’m not buying a PlayStation 4 or any other console for that matter). Basically, No Man’s Sky‘s claim to fame is incredible procedural generation of the universe. We are talking 18 quintillion possible planets with unique stars, planetary ecosystems, flora and fauna, and artificial constructs like star ships. All players will be in the same procedurally generated universe and can explore and have their names forever attached to their discoveries for all future players to see. There will be land and space combat and resource gathering, and possibly much more. Get a bib to catch drool before you watch this video:

Star Citizen

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux
Developer: Cloud Imperium Games
Genre: Singleplayer, online co-op, and MMO space flight sim/FPS/RPG
Current Status: Alpha 1.1.2 (available to those who have pre-purchased)
Estimated Release: Not announced
Economics: crowd-funded, currently backed for $82,271,457, final game will be available retail (pre-purchase with alpha/beta access for $45)
Technology: CryEngine 3, support for gamepads, wide variety of joysticks, head tracking systems, and VR
Website: robertsspaceindustries.com

This probably won’t be news to most people, but Chris Roberts, the creator of the Wing Commander series, is back and creating probably the most ambitious game ever. How is he able to do this? The most successful Kickstarter campaign ever that raised over $70 million. Seriously, Cloud Imperium Games is creating not only a game, but a universe. Everything is being broken down to minute levels of detail: an incredible physics engine with individual modeling of ship’s thrusters and mass distribution, grainular damage model for ships, detailed first person shooter that features a detailed 10 limb damage model, breath control, stances, and zero-G movement, detailed supply/demand based economy. It seems clear that Chris Robert’s vision is to create a futuristic universe where players can live and do almost anything they can imagine doing in that setting. This game should appeal to PC gamers of all types, there is trade, FPS combat, space flight simulation, a single player/co-op campaign (called Squadron 42), player created and run organizations (already in place, check out Operation Pitchfork!). And rather than shoot for procedurally generated quantity, Star Citizen is aiming for hand-crafted quality, hence utilizing incredible ship and prop designers famous for their work in the sci-fi film industry.

I’ve also never seen a game developer release so much content and media prior to the release of a game. The professional quality news reports, Q & A’s, and especially the ship commercials are just incredible. Check it all out, but here is what this game is all about in a beautiful nutshell:

Ground Branch

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, possible console, Mac OS, and unlikely GNU/Linux
Developer: BlackFoot Studios
Genre: Online co-op & team PvP Tactical FPS
Current Status: Free tech preview
Estimated Release: Not announced
Technology: Unreal Engine 4
Economics: crowd-funded, had an unsuccessful Kickstarter that reached $111,111. The team has announced they will not be doing another Kickstarter but will rely on selling early access on their own site until they can get into Steam Early Access ($19.99 for early access, $49.99 Operator Edition with special perks).
Website: groundbranch.com

Every once in a while I’ll pull up Google and begin an earnest search, using terms like “new tactical shooter”, “tactical shooter like ghost recon”, etc. I’ve been hungering for a new Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon/SWAT/Hidden & Dangerous-esque shooter for some time. We have great shooters out there, the ArmA series is fantastic, but maybe a little too broad and diluted (it has to focus on not only infantry, but a full battlefield simulation). Insurgency fits a nice middle ground between ultra-realism and fast paced gameplay certainly is more realistic, fun, and tactical than any of the Counter Strike variants. What I’m talking about is the classic, infantry based tactical shooter. Where there is mission planning, thrilling espionage context, and brutal realism. While it appears to be multiplayer only, perhaps Ground Branch by BlackFoot Studios could be that game; it certainly has the ambition to: pre-mission planning, clan/unit support, no respawn, door breaching, detailed combat model, co-op mini-campaigns (4 mission sequences). And it has the pedigree being developed by former Red Storm employees with real former special forces members supporting.

After following the project for some time and playing the tech preview. One thing is certain, this is the most detailed infantry combat modeling I’ve ever seen in a game. For example, your gun can collide with objects as you move, so having a long rifle in an enclosed space may be a very bad thing if you can’t use it effectively. Strafing left to right or right to left will make a difference to how much your gun barrel sweeps since your gun is butted up against your right shoulder. Supposedly weight will be a major influence in movement, so you’ll need to be concerned about what gear you take into the field. The most fun I had in the tech preview, was the detailed weapon customization already available in the game. I spent probably a good 30 minutes just experimenting with different combinations of sights and attachments on the M4’s rail system (you can precisely place each item almost anywhere on the rails it will fit). Right now, I’d say that Ground Branch is an interesting (but boring) shooting range simulator. I’m hoping it will develop into a real tactical shooter that oozes that atmosphere of covert action and espionage. But, it is a young project, and hopefully they’ll build on this solid foundation. I got a feeling this project will start receiving more attention once Blackfoot releases some videos of some intense firefights against some exciting backdrops, rather than just guys running around shooting wooden targets. If you care about classic tactical shooters, and want to see this kind of game get made again, I highly recommend checking this game out and getting involved.


Platforms: Microsoft Windows & Mac OS through Steam
Developer: Inglenook Games
Genre: Co-op RPG, 2D platformer
Current Status: Not available
Estimated Release: December 2015
Technology: Unconfirmed
Economics: crowd-funded, currently backed for £102,430 (digital pre-orders available for £10
Website: witchmarsh.tumblr.com

From an all-star crew of indie developers comes what sounds like solid title: Witchmarsh. Inglenook Games explain their game succinctly:

Witchmarsh is a co-op Platform RPG set in 1920s Massachusetts. Create a team of custom Investigators and lead them into the heart of the swampland.

From appearances, the art style certainly reminds me of Risk of Rain, but with larger, more detailed sprites. And not enough games use jazz music! Unfortunately, specific details on the title are scanty, but already and incredible number of beautiful assets have been created. Since seeing is almost believing, head over to their website to peruse them.

Just Cause 3

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Developer: Avalanche Studios
Genre: Singleplayer 3rd person action/adventure
Current Status: Not available
Estimated Release: End of 2015
Technology: new engine, Luminous
Economics: traditional funding
Website: justcause.com

Gee wiz, it is hard to stop playing Just Cause 2. When I just feel that my life needs a healthy dose of ridiculousness and willful stretching of the laws of physics, I can escape to Panau and jump from the roof of an army truck that is plowing off a cliff hooking onto the canopy of a passing attack chopper while mowing down half a dozen henchmen with my dual wielded MP5’s to then swing up and punch out the pilot just in time to dive out again before hitting another cliff and pull my parachute to glide to safety as easy as kiss my hand. From what it sounds like, Just Cause 3 is the next evolution in this wonderfully stupid series. Featuring supposedly a more detailed story and many more destructible objects (such as bridges and buildings), I just can’t wait.

Honorable Mentions

There are just too many potentially great titles coming out to mention them all. Here are a few that I’m keeping in my peripheral vision:

  • Hyper Light Drifter (2D action RPG with a beautiful retro aesthetic)
  • Below (mysterious, atmospheric 2D action RPG)
  • Odallus: The Dark Call (8-bit classic Gothic-style action platformer)
  • Limit Theory (procedural space exploration and the most ridiculously cool dev tools I’ve ever seen; the overachieving sole developer of this game makes me feel like a tiny ant of an amateur game developer by comparison, the cad)
  • Naval Action (age of sail open world multiplayer naval simulation)
  • Ghost Song (Metroidvania leaning towards the Metroid side)
  • Wings of Saint Nazaire (retro space flight sim using sprites and lookin’ good! See it to believe it)

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